Keep cultural assets safe.

At the United Nations General Assembly in 1983, the International Council of Monuments and Sites proposed a day of awareness for the conservation of Heritage assets. Since then, the 18th of April has been specifically designated for this purpose. A variety of activities, conferences, and meetings are held on that day, and newspaper articles are published to raise awareness about the importance of preserving historical artefacts.

The majority of today's generation dismisses or ignores the significance of ancestors. If this indiscipline continues, the world's historic sites and monuments will be lost. If this occurs, our culture's standards, values, and traditions will become extinct.

According to various studies, the generation before us was more technologically advanced than we are, and their standard of living was different from ours. The Egyptian pyramids are one of the ancient world's wonders that continue to fascinate modern scientists.

Pakistan is another case in point (Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa). According to studies, these cities had the most advanced drainage system, as well as a variety of other amenities that the modern world lacked.

Governments and the general public should protect cultural heritage assets so that we can adapt to modernization more quickly. It also explains our connection to our forefathers.

You can help preserve historical items from all over the world by participating in World Heritage Day. As a result, we will be able to adapt a variety of practises from our forefathers, which, when combined with cutting-edge methods, will result in a variety of facilities that benefit both current and future generations.